Release a webpackage

When releasing a webpackage to need to:

  1. Check if all dependencies are not under development
  2. Update the current version to a fixed version; i.e., without the -SNAPSHOT suffix
  3. Upload the webpackage to a store
  4. Update the current version to a valid next development version, since no changes can be uploaded to fixed versions

The CDT offers you the +webpackage-release task to release a webpackage. Actually, this task uses three other tasks to perform each step:

  1. The _webpackage-prepareRelease task to perform steps 1. and 2.
  2. The +webpackage-upload task to perform step 3.
  3. The _webpackage-updateToNextVersion to perform step 4.


You should run the task within the CDT folder (normally it is called devtools) as follows:

grunt  +webpackage-release

Then, each task will be run in the order presented above.

Click on the links provided above for each subtask to see further details about each step.


Your webpackage will be uploaded to a store with a fixed version and the manifest.webpackage file will end up with the correct next development version.