The Cubbles Javascript API

This section contains a set of tutorials to present how to interact with a Cubbles component, using public methods, events and initialization.

General Prerequisites

To reproduce any of the tutorials of this section the following prerequisites apply:

  1. The com.incowia.basic-html-components@2.0.0-SNAPSHOT/cubx-textarea should be available. (You can find it at the sandbox store)
  2. You are familiarized with the creation of elementary components
  3. You are familiarized with the The Cubbles Tag API

Sample component

To make it easier to explain an understand how to interact with a component, we will use the elementary component called cubx-textarea, whose webpackge-id is com.incowia.basic-html-components@1.0/cubx-textarea, along all tutorials of this section. This component wraps a <textarea> html element to enable its use as component within the Cubbles platform, allowing some of the html attributes of a textarea to be available as slots. The interface view for this component looks as follows:

Interface of the cubx-textarea component