Interacting with Elementary Cubbles from the inside

You can control the behavior (logic) and view of an elementary component (remember that compound components have no associated logic). When you are developing elementary components you will certainly need to control its behavior; e.g., by setting a slot value, or performing some action after a slot value changes.

The simplified cubx-textarea sample case

For this tutorial, we will assume that we are developing our cubx-textarea component, we will explore how to interact with the elementary from the view, the logic and the manifest (See this for more information). For the purpose of this tutorial we will assume that the cubx-textarea only have one input/output slot called value as illustrated below.

Interface of the simplified cubx-textarea elementary

The view of our simplified cubx-textarea

Our simplified cubx-textarea will contain a normal textarea HTML element, which will be manipulated from the logic layer. The view of our elementary looks as follows:

<template id="<%= elementName %>"> <!-- elementName = cubx-textarea, set in build time by webpack -->
    <textarea id="myTextarea"></textarea>

The logic of an elementary

The CubxComponent object

The CubxComponent object provides the global CubxComponent() function to register a new Cubble component. It provides the model property to control the state of an elementary component. You should extend this object to code the logic of an elementary.

When programming the logic of an elementary component, you will need to access and edit slots' values. You can also use the public methods to interact from the inside, i.e., get[SlotId](), set[SlotId](value), slots () and repropagate[SlotId] (). In that case, the component is referenced using this since you are inside the component, e.g. use this.getValue() in our cubx-textarea elementary to access the value of the value slot. Besides those methods, you can implement the ones described below:

Method name convention Description
created () Called when the local DOM of an elementary has been created
ready () Called when the local DOM of an elementary has been initialized
connected () Called when the HTML element of an elementary has been attached to the DOM
disconnected () Called when the HTML element of an elementary has been detached to the DOM
contextReady () Called when the Cubbles framework is ready to work; that is, when all dependencies are included, all components and all connections are created and the initialization is done.
model[SlotId]Changed () Called when the value of a slot has changed after calling the set[SlotId](value) method. It is useful when you need to perform additional logic after a slot has changed.

Accessing the local DOM of an elementary

You can access the local DOM of an elementary using the standard Javascript selection methods (this.querySelector(selectors) and this.querySelectorAll(selectors)). Additionally, you can use the this.\$\$(selectors) shortcut for this.querySelector(selectors). For instance, the code below will assign the textarea element contained in our cubx-textarea elementary to the variable:

var textarea = this.$$('textarea');

Moreover, you can use the this.\$.elementId shortcut for this.getElementById(elementId) method. For instance, the code below will assign the HTML element with id="myTextarea" to the variable:

var textarea = this.$.myTextarea;

Adding logic to the cubx-textarea component

To make our cubx-textarea to work properly when the textarea value changes, we will we need extend the logic of our component with:

  1. A listener to the change event of the component (e.g. in the contextReady method).
  2. A method to update the textarea html when the value slot changes.

That extension can be done extending the CubxComponent object. In our case, we will do it in a javascript file (cubx-textarea.js), which was included in the view above.

(function () {
  'use strict';

    is: "/* @echo elementName */", // elementName = 'cubx-textarea', set in build time by webpack

    // 1. 'change' event listener
    contextReady: function() {
      this.$$('textarea').addEventListener("change", function () {
      }.bind(this), false);

    // 2. update textarea element when the 'value' slot changes
    updateValue: function (newValue) {
      if (newValue !== undefined) {
        this.$$('textarea').value = newValue;

A working example

We will use two instances of the cubx-textarea elementary. In this example, we use the The Cubbles Tag API to initialize the value slot of one the instances of the component and create a connection between both instances.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
      window.cubx = {
        CRCInit: {
            rootDependencies: [
                    webpackageId: 'com.incowia.basic-html-components@2.0.0-SNAPSHOT',
                    artifactId: 'cubx-textarea'  
    <script src="" data-crcinit-loadcif="true"></script>
  <cubx-textarea cubx-webpackage-id="com.incowia.basic-html-components@2.0.0-SNAPSHOT" id="textarea1">
    <cubx-core-init style="display:none">
        <cubx-core-slot-init slot="value">"Value of textarea 1"</cubx-core-slot-init>
    <cubx-core-connections style="display:none">
        <cubx-core-connection connection-id="valueCon" source="value", destination="textarea2:value"></cubx-core-connection>
  <cubx-textarea cubx-webpackage-id="com.incowia.basic-html-components@2.0.0-SNAPSHOT" id="textarea2"></cubx-textarea>



Simplified cubs-text-area demo

Check this demo to see the result working online. Note that this demo uses the complete version of the cubx-textarea

Interaction via initialization

Input slots can be initialized in manifest (MANIFEST.elementary.js file), so you can pre-defined an initial interaction by default. For elementary components, the slot definition object has a property called value. This value will be set to the slot during component initialization; thus, when cubxReady() is called, the slot will have that value.

A working example for initialization

We will initialize the value of the slots of our cubx-textarea component. The slots definition should look similar to the one below, note that the initialization occurs due to the value property:

const assert = require("assert");

module.exports = webpackageName => {
  assert.ok(webpackageName, 'Expected "webpackageName" to be defined.');
  return {
    slots: [
        slotId: "value",
        type: "string",
        direction: [
        value: "The value of my textarea",

Note that these initial values will not be propagated since this initialization is only valid for input slots.

This time, we should just use the component to see the result of defining init values for the slots:

Code for initialization

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
      window.cubx = {
        CRCInit: {
            rootDependencies: [
                    webpackageId: 'com.incowia.basic-html-components@2.0.0-SNAPSHOT',
                    artifactId: 'cubx-textarea'  
    <script src="" data-crcinit-loadcif="true"></script>
  <cubx-textarea cubx-webpackage-id="com.incowia.basic-html-components@2.0.0-SNAPSHOT"></cubx-textarea>


Result for initialization

cubx-textarea that was initialized from the manifest